Identify a plan for managing the rollercoaster of emotions
Holidays can activate a rollercoaster of emotions.
Do you ever get stuck in your thoughts about how you will manage these emotions when you're around people who trigger the unpleasant feelings?
Yes? I empathize with you and you are not alone.
Keep this in mind: it’s okay to shift in how you used to celebrate the holidays with certain family and friends. Create your own traditions with family, friends and their families.
I can almost guarantee that you won’t be a burden even if you’re unable to bring a drink, dish or gift.
As my grandmother always say, "Bring yourself, good energy and big appetite."
Stay in the moment. Stay armored. This means don't just show up without a mental maintenance plan for how you will respond or mange your emotions that are not your norm.
Here are 5 ways to activate this plan and maintain mental wellness during the holidays:
1. Keep your support circle updated about how they can best support you. 2. Maintain mental, physical and spiritual activities to manage overwhelm. 3. Reflect on why you keep your boundaries with those that do not see, support or keep you safe.
4. Learn your local crisis intervention number just in case you need someone to talk to other than family and friends.
5. Stay in the moment and challenge any unproductive thoughts such as what-ifs, shoulding, fortune telling or catastrophizing (blowing things out of proportion without evidence to support).
I invite you to not wait until the peak of the holiday season to start planning your mental maintenance plan. Choose who gets to experiences your energy.
You have the gift of discernment (the ability to judge well) and now is a better time than ever to activate it.